Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Offering to the Vision

Last night Marissa (my new assistant for the set of videos I'll be working on shortly) came over and we were working on a Vision Board for the project. For ages now, things have been 'stuck' where the project is concerned, because we've been 'waiting' on others to do their part so that things can finally get moving. Rather than get frustrated any further about the lengthy delay(s) and rather than dwell any longer in the energy of 'waiting', I felt it would be good for us to do a Vision Board, project our intentions for the videos and get moving in ways that we could move (without having to 'depend' on others). Indeed, once we started sorting through the magazines, cutting and pasting, we felt the energy starting to shift and become 'unstuck'. New ideas came bursting forth. We were inspired and excited and motivated to move ahead, regardless of lags in other areas.While working on our Vision, Jasper jumped in with a little baby blue bird clamped in his jaws and ran over the Vision Board. I grabbed the fledgling from him and held it in my hands, giving it warmth in what I felt may well be its last living moments. While it didn't have any obvious external wounds, it was obviously in shock. Its heart was beating rapidly. Within five minutes its eyes closed, as if to sleep; its heart slowed. Then it started to writhe, stretch open its beak, twist its head around ... and then went completely still.

As usual, one can't be angry. Only thankful. That is the nature of a cat, to bring all kinds of living gifts. We acknowledged it as Jasper's symbolic contribution to the Vision Board, wrapped it in white tissue with a word of gratitude and buried it in the garden, placing a sunflower tile as its tombstone.

Rest in peace, winged messenger.

According to this source, the BIRD (as power animal) stands for "unity, freedom, community." The BLUE BIRD specifically stands for "modesty, unassuming, confidence and happiness." And assuming it was a BLUE JAY, that would be "proper use of power."


  1. I have so much gratitude for all the different kinds of friends the universe has sent my way....I just got out of what i guess in the high powered executive world is called a "power meeting"...it was the first of this kind for me, so understandably i was a little overwhelmed to say the least! Anyway, the meeting left me spent and with a lot more responsiblity that i had expected .... don't get me wrong I am flattered that all these very senior officials think I'm up to the task...but it is a little scary for a Jr. Attorney to be given all this to do....so I come back to my office close the door behind me and feel the plastered "I can do it smile" slip off my face and an expression of panic an worry replace it. I then decide that I'll read your blog as it always helps to get my head in a different and happier place...imagine my horror when i see the litte dead bird and read the story of Jasper's conquest...AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! but the expression of worry which was replced by the one of horror was solwly but surely replced by one of peaceful joy as i read on and discovered the dignity which you and your friend afforded the little bird.

    I am so pleased to know people who would make that much effort for a dead animal...as i had to put up with so much abuse for giving my dead fish Gabriel a funeral...but that did not faze me ..Gabriel went off in style.

    Thank you for being you E..and all teh best with the new projects..send me some powerful good vibes that I can deliver on what is now being asked of me.


  2. ANGEL BOY! Are you still there? If you see this comment email me! You will not believe this! Or ... rather, being you, you will. I was JUST JUST JUST looking for your email address and realised I don't have it. Just 5 minutes ago I got an email from my friend in Holland - she wants to get in touch with you and was asking me for your email. You must have picked up on the vibe, because I haven't heard from you in ages. E.

  3. And of course you can more than deliver on what is being asked of you.

  4. That sweet poor fledgling was somehow here for that purpose. A special gift indeed! And I saw the pics from the dance from yesterday. That must have been so inspiring to see that!

  5. very touching...
    messages to our souls are delivered in various codes... just we should know how to interpret them...
    love the way you are always alert to get them and understand them...


Thanks for your comments. I love to hear what you think and feel.