Monday, February 23, 2009

Neon (hooping video)

42 seconds
I used a portion of a piece of my original music in hooping video #4. This was a simple moment when I realised that I was getting my hands easily in and out of the hoop as it revolves around my body.

You can see my other three hooping videos here.

Technical note:
I shot this video using the little video function in Mac Photobooth. Pulled it into iMovie to do minor editing and apply effects.


  1. i'm addicted to your hooping :)

    I like the most with your white dress and without the technical manipulations..keep it up

  2. Thanks, Shubhajit.

    I understand what you mean about the videos minus the technical manipulations. I just enjoy playing around with the effects from time to time. Will do some 'regular' ones soon.

  3. I think the effects are super cool!
    Love it! This whole series will make a great movie one day...hooping your way to California might be a good title!

    my word verification is:
    a go lin

    did you make that happen????


Thanks for your comments. I love to hear what you think and feel.