Monday, May 11, 2009

New life

On mornings I usually buy a big slab of watermelon from the fruit stall where I also buy papers. When I return home, I sit on the ground in the driveway eating the watermelon and reading the papers. I absently toss the watermelon seeds under the pine tree to my left.

Yesterday morning as I went to open the gate, I noticed a colony of little seedlings growing under the pine tree. At first I wondered what they were. They looked so healthy, eager and happy, that the first thing that crossed my mind was: "Sunflower seedlings?"

Then I realised they were the sprouts from my watermelon seeds. I was amazed. To think that something so casually tossed on bare earth (and forgotten) had sprouted with such life and determination.


  1. that is how i grow stuff; every fruit or vegetable i eat, if i discard the seeds, i throw them on soil hoping hoping hoping that they take---watermelon, citrus, pawpaw, tomatoes. What joy to see the sprouts emerge. Goody for you.
    And I love the sound and feel of your mornings. How wonderful.

  2. You are going to put the watermelon man out of business and/or open your own there are so many. I can't wait to see how they develop. Will they get enough sun under the pine tree?
    Lucky gardener!

  3. awww spec, i love how you make me smile when i read these....

  4. - "To think that something so casually tossed....."

    Nature has her way of teaching us to look at our actions. I read that sentence and thought of casually tossed thoughts, words, actions- which eventually sprouted before me, and I am shocked. all forms can be tossed and become manifest....LOL....

    I call dibs on the first Watermelon though. Call me when its ready!

  5. Oh, I wonder if they will be able to grow there? I hope so! They are such sweet green darlings now, striving upward toward sun.

  6. From the essence in the seed whole of the plant grows..isn't it an amazing phenomenon?

    First photograph is excellent. I hope after sometimes you won't have to buy anymore watermelons, just to buy newspaper and pluck one melon from your plant and enjoy!


Thanks for your comments. I love to hear what you think and feel.