Monday, September 7, 2009

Dancing Rainbows

Rainbows dancing on bedroom floor, created by sun through crystal moved by wind in window


  1. Aw! The birdsong in the 'soundtrack' reminds me of Belize. Looks sunny and palm-tree-y where you are!

  2. Yes, it is sunny and all-kinds-of-tree-y

  3. Love seeing the rainbows dancing on your beautiful tile floor.
    How fun, we should all make movies of our homes to share with each other. Would love to see more of where you live.

    Was Jasper mad or glad when you got home?

  4. Jasper is somewhat indifferent. Still warm but not sticking on to me and sleeping with me like he used to.


Thanks for your comments. I love to hear what you think and feel.