Saturday, July 10, 2010

Nun Karma Repatterning

Image on the front of the e-book
In the most recent issue of the free e-zine Prosperous Healer, there was a link to a very interesting 46 page book (free download): Nun Karma Repatterning.

The subject may not be of interest to everyone, but it's worth downloading, reading and doing the exercises in the book if anything in the below extract resonates.

Extract from the e-book's Introduction:


Old Karmic experiences can be fruitful and beneficial, or they can limit us today as we evolve our inner divinity and prosper in the world. Most Karmic patterns are not held at physical, emotional and mental levels. They're held and activated at the Lightbody level---the subtle soul level that exists beyond our physical, emotional and mental bodies. These Lightbody patterns include the residual imprinting from solemn vows we have taken in other lifetimes. They can also come in with our holographic family lineages and generational patterns. The more we grow in conscious evolution towards the higher frequencies of light and spirit, the more our old spiritual vows are reactivated. So the more we clear these old patterns, vows and ties from our subtle levels, the more effective we become in our present day life and work (and so do all others).

Also, mp3 downloads of recent sessions here.


  1. I guess not for me as I stopped reading half way through, could be from being tired from all the packing we did today and sweeping and loading of boxes etc.
    I liked the photo though. Clean looking.


Thanks for your comments. I love to hear what you think and feel.