Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I hope you find/found her

(Canada chronicles continued ...)

Those who have lost dogs or pets know how unsettling it feels. I've noticed so many 'please find my lost pet' posters (especially for cats) stuck on lamp posts, both in TO and Montreal. On Sunday's L, R, R, L excursion I took shots of the below poster whenever I saw it. My heart went out to the pet owner, Heather (and to Molly), whenever I saw another Molly poster stuck on a lamp pole. They seemed to be everywhere. I didn't even take shots of each one I saw. So those featured below must be only a percentage. Clearly Heather had roamed the area, possibly with the help of friends, sticking up her plea.
This poster was at the first Left
Sara and Dara in the background taking photos (I think this stretch was our last R ... almost back home)N.B. Woman on right of lamp post walking her dog
N.B. Woman and dog now on right of lamp postBe on the alert for Molly


Lynn Cohen said...

wouldn't it be great if someone reading your blog saw the dog and found her?

Elspeth said...

Yes, that would be great.