Monday, June 11, 2018

You fall in love instantly upon entering the "luxury tree house" (as you like to call them) in which you will be staying for the 7 nights of the retreat. You have opted for solo accommodation, even though you know the shared options are more affordable and still offer privacy.
Perhaps you would have shared a 'luxury tree house' if one of your friends had wanted to come with you, but . . . cool early mornings, twice daily yoga, three vegan meals a day (a tough one for your die hard meat eating pals), lots of options for outdoor recreation and relaxing . . . those things don't appeal to many of your friends.
"Hmmm . . . Wow. Time to meet some more like minded people," you think as you flop onto the large bed which gazes onto the ocean through the open verandah.
The crisp, cool white sheets kiss your skin. The welcoming support of the mattress invites your body to release its tension. You sink in . . . you begin to drift . . .and, for the first time in a long time, you allow yourself to let go of the story—that someone, something outside of you needs you more than you need yourself and your own peace of mind & body right now . . .
(To be continued . . .)
To find out more and register for THE POWER IN YOU Kundalini Yoga Retreat at Castara Retreats, Tobago, (28 August - 4 September 2018) please visit this link

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