Saturday, May 30, 2009

Today is Mystic Intervention

An interactive art experience

10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Mystic House
First right before ruins of St Chad's Church
Off Macqueripe Road
Tucker Valley/Chaguaramas

Dean Arlen
Elspeth Duncan
Gerard Gittens
Michelle Isava
Natasha Mahabir
Consciousness Raising
Ian Rampersad
Samantha Rochard
John Stollmeyer

Admission: The willingness to interact and be open

Friday, May 29, 2009

Melanie is Maturing Marvellously

A quick photo update for those who are wondering how Melanie the Melon is doing.
See here how she looked when I first rescued her.

A Miracle!

One of the many
I woke up to a snowstorm of feathers all over the ground and no sign of a bird ... which was odd, because Jasper normally doesn't eat his prey. But, since there was no body, I thought he had made the exception. Judging from the amount of feathers, I was convinced that the bird had not survived.

I went to plug in the vacuum cleaner in the plug behind the fridge and something told me to look behind the washing machine. Lo and behold, there was a plump ground dove, 100% alive and looking fine, but scared. She looked up at me, made a squeak and ran out from behind the machine. Because she was running, I thought that her wings were damaged ... but just as I thought that, she flew up and bounced into a window (disoriented). By this time I had my camera in hand.
She ran into my room and onto my yoga mat
She then proceeded to run into my room, where I thought (as most birds do) she would flap around in confusion, probably hurting herself as she struggled to find a way out). But she seemed to know her way. She ran onto my yoga mat. In that moment, Jasper, who was on the bed, made one last leap onto her ... but before he could touch her, she lifted off and flew effortlessly through the window!

Totally amazing: (i) that any animal had survived after that snowstorm of feathers (ii) that she had so easily found her way back to freedom and life.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Yesterday's bill payments ... and a 'suncookie'

Yesterday none of the three stationery stores I went into had fluorescent pink Post-Its, so I ended up buying bright green ones to attach messages to the bills I was paying.
My credit card bill payment
My internet bill payment
Later that day, as I drove to French conversational class (a new 6-week course we're doing with a woman from France called Aurelie), I actually found myself wondering with anticipation when next I would get a bill. Amazing that something as simple as Post-It notes can transform the bill payment process from a reluctant groan to an exciting event ... for me and perhaps also for the person processing the payment.

In other news, yesterday's heat was harsh. When electricity went off for the second time, I had just started dehydrating a batch of crackers (flax, sunflower, chive, onion, garlic). I took a piece and left it lightly wrapped (so birds wouldn't pick at it) in the sun on top of my car trunk. Within two hours, what was once a wet, spreadable mass, was quite firm to the touch.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Sacred Journey

Interestingly, when I first drew the lines, this leaf blew onto the exact centre of the labyrinth
Each artist has done a synopsis of his/her piece for Mystic Intervention. Here's mine. It will be located in its own room. To experience the piece, you will be required to sit cross legged on a cushion on the floor. A chair will be provided for those unable to sit on the ground.


Name of piece:

My piece for Mystic Intervention is designed to assist you in quieting, centreing and balancing yourself; to open your heart, listen and receive intangible gifts and intuitive guidance.

It is made up of three parts:
(i) The Journey: a special finger labyrinth (7 circuit Cretan labyrinth) made of clay (red earth)
(ii) Flower Powers: a series of wire flowers containing a special message for whoever picks one
(iii) Nature’s Wisdom Cards: a series of mystical cards, made from a selection of my nature photographs. Nature speaks to us through symbolic messages that guide us along our path in life when we take the time to tune in and listen.

The labyrinth (an ancient sacred tool used for prayer, meditation, self transformation) allows you to relax and open up to intuition and guidance as you journey (using a finger of your non dominant hand) along its winding path to the centre of yourself. Your finger will be in intimate, sensory contact with the raw red earth as you journey to the core. Rest there a while, listen, meditate, ask and receive. Journey back out again and meet the world with a new sense of awareness and connection; a new sense of who you are in relation to the Whole.

Upon emerging from the labyrinth, pick a Nature’s Wisdom Card and have its message translated for you through key words and phrases. Or pick a Flower Power and receive supporting, clarifying guidance.

Given the intimate nature of the finger labyrinth, the Flower Powers and the Nature’s Wisdom Photo-Card/Key Words interaction, I invite one person at a time to experience this Sacred Journey. It will not be the same for any two people. I will explain more to you when you enter the room.

Be still.
Be open.

The finger labyrinth in progress.
I created ridges to line the pathway - so you can close your eyes and feel your way through if you desire.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Elspeth Quiz

I came across this Elspeth quiz. Try it out if you want.

I _____ Elspeth.
Elspeth is _____.
If I was with Elspeth, I would _____.
I think Elspeth should _____.
Elspeth needs _____.
I want to _____ Elspeth.
Someday Elspeth will _____.
My memories of Elspeth are _____.
Elspeth can be _____.
The worst thing about Elspeth is _____.
The best thing about Elspeth is _____.
I am _____ with Elspeth.
One thing I would like to know about Elspeth is _____.
Elspeth should go and _____.
Elspeth _____ me.
If I could change one thing about Elspeth it would be _____.
My name is ____

Monday, May 25, 2009

A Meme

I was tagged by Lynn to do the meme below.

1. What are your current obsessions? Obsession is a strong word. I don't currently feel "obsessed", but sometimes if I'm seeking clarity over something, my thoughts consume me ... until I initiate or experience release from them in the appropriate form.

2. What am I listening to: Kundalini Yoga morning sadhana CD (Aquarian Sadhana mantras by Nirinjan Kaur Khalsa)

3. Which item from your wardrobe do you wear most often? Black jeans, my green shirt with little silver threads in it, my black shirt with white threading, my white clothes (for yoga - daily).

4. What are you reading? The words I'm typing right now. I'm not currently reading a book.

5. What's for lunch? I don't know yet. Something raw, most likely with cashew garlic sprinkle (my new favourite).

6. What was the last thing I bought? Watermelon, some portugals and two newspapers.

7. Guilty pleasure? I don't feel guilty about it. It's not raw, but every now and then when in Maraval, I have a gelatto ice cream (usually one chocolate scoop and one coconut scoop in a waffle cone) from the Gelatto place in Ellerslie Plaza. Sometimes I get a reaction to it - some itchy bumps by my joints (which I used to get now and then, but which stopped when I went raw). I think it's a reaction to the dairy. But I don't do it (gelatto) so often that it bothers me.

8. What are you going to do today? Drop off some DVDs for a client, appointment in town at 11 a.m., French Conversational classes begin this evening, a 'new visual business opportunity' event that someone invited me to attend tonight.

9. What's your best time of day? When I wake up before dawn, anytime around 3 - 5 a.m. and the world is asleep. I light a candle, put on my yoga whites, roll out my mat, tune in, do yoga meditate, silence. It's when everything comes together and makes sense. Then the first bird calls out and the sun breaks.

10. What's your greatest wish? To sincerely and mutually love and be loved (those around me as well as my Beloved/my "special One").

11. What's your favorite way to create art? Spontaneously and intuitively

12. ____________________________? -------------

Now the rules:

Answer the questions on your own blog.
Replace one question (The one I replaced from Lynn's batch was "Sum myself up in a sentence". Replaced with #8))
Add one question. (added #12 - a blank to be filled in by whoever sees fit)
Tag some people. I won't tag anyone. Whoever wants to do it can do it.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Two 30" Red Earth/Mystic Intervention ads

Rather than have the same thirty second ads running over and over for Red Earth Eco-Arts Festival 2009, I suggested that we invite different people to create twenty seconds worth of video (relevant to the environment/the festival). Gayelle would then add a ten second information tag and Red Earth logos to make each 20" video/short film into an ad. The idea was for television viewers to be experience a kind of little film festival, rather than 'ads' during commercial breaks. However, not many people bit at this opportunity and there are only three short-film-ads.

My two offerings are below (specific to Mystic Intervention, which is part of the Red Earth Festival). The other piece was a lovely stop animation piece was created by Kitt Joseph. I will share it once they've uploaded it.

Ad #1 (30 seconds)
Music & Video: Elspeth Duncan
10" tag and logos: Gayelle

Ad #2 (3o seconds)
Music & Video: Elspeth Duncan
10" tag and logos: Gayelle

Saturday, May 23, 2009

The beginnings of my Mystic Intervention piece

Two days ago I sat under the sapodilla tree at the bottom of the garden and began working on one aspect of my piece for Mystic Intervention. It's the same tree under which I started working on "The Dream House" last year. Note the dry earth (Dry Season).
Remember this? Click here to see what it looked like when I first hung it up under the sapodilla tree. Nature has had Her way with it since then.Pippa ... doing some artwork of her own.Two sapodilla seeds at the heart of the piece. The "20" is the price of the clay saucer I used as the base.
Nag Champa to set the mood.
One of my two bags of clay (Red Earth ... just like the Festival)
Looks like Pippa and I are having a raw picnic. Our pie looks really earthy and wholesome.About to begin, using my natural 'pen' to draw my lines ...
I didn't use my DSLR "Synchronicity" to take these pics. I used my old Canon, Love Bee, since it would have been getting covered in clay.

Friday, May 22, 2009

The Vagina Dialogues

The sapodillas on the tree (under which I sat yesterday working on my Mystic Intervention piece) are plentiful. Recently I had a whole set in a brown bag ripening over a few days. As soon as they softened, I placed them in the fridge to chill. Nothing like a refreshing, sweet, succulent sapodilla on the kind of hot days we've been having. I love the taste and the texture.

They are soft enough that I don't need a knife to cut them. With a finger I easily open it to two halves, then remove the seeds and either scoop out the flesh with a spoon or eat it as is without any implements (skin and all). Yum.
The sapodilla tastes great as is or 'dressed up' as in this 'Sapodilla Dawn' dessert I made for mum's birthday last year
When I opened up the sapodilla in the first shot, it immediately reminded me of a vagina ... which leads me to say that tomorrow night (Saturday) some friends and I are going to see our friend Patti Ann Ali in the local play "The Vagina Dialogues".

Thursday, May 21, 2009

How to enjoy paying bills (with update)

When I pay bills with a cheque and drop off in the FasDeposit at the bank, I enclose a note written on a pink Post-It. The last note I stuck on my TSTT bill was the one in the above photo.

I just got back the stamped bill in the mail. When I opened it, the same pink Post-It was stuck to my receipt. Whoever got it was returning the sentiment


(Update ... next day):

... and I stuck this one on my TSTT bill today (22-05-09)

Earthy, primal and organic

Came back inside and noticed this sapodilla leaf dangling from my hair like a natural earring.
I haven't done all of my 'things to do' for today.

Way too hot to wash/clean out the car. That will have to be done early in the a.m. or later in the p.m. Maybe tomorrow.

Haven't paid my phone bill. Will do tomorrow.

Haven't yet gone to register for French conversational. Will do in a short while. Waiting for school traffic to clear a bit.

I spent most of the morning under the sapodilla tree at the bottom of the garden (with Pippa keeping me company) ... working on the physical part of one aspect of my interactive piece for Mystic Intervention.

This part of my piece is made of clay. It looks and feels very earthy, primal and organic. I'll share it gradually with you over the next few days leading up to Mystic Intervention (30 May, 2009).

Done, Doing, To Do ... and the Unknown

1. Woke up and did yoga
2. Checked e-mail
3. Went to buy papers and watermelon
4. Ate watermelon
5. Bathed Hindi
6. Frontlined Hindi and Pippa

1. Blogging
2. Breathing
3. Listening to music on the radio (95.1FM)

1. Start working on the physical part of my piece for Mystic Intervention.
2. Sign up for the six-week conversational French course at CLL
3. Wash and clean out car
4. Pay phonebill
5. Go and see a friend's first-performance-in-a-while (piano and poetry) ... at least I think it's tonight. Have to confirm.

______________ (blank will be filled in)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Gift of the Treasure Bringer

I had just finished yoga, checked e-mail and was wondering "Hmm, what will I blog about today?" ... when I heard a noise behind me.

I looked around to see Jasper (whose name aptly means 'Treasure Bringer'). He was wearing his "hunter's look" and had a dove clenched between his jaws. Thinking that the bird was still alive, I moved quickly to get it from him. He dropped it and ran off. But where did he drop it? In the large clay saucer, next to the two lumps of clay which I will be using to make my interactive art piece for Mystic Intervention (which is part of the Red Earth Eco-Arts Festival).

Very interesting ... since my piece is about Nature's Wisdom and the messages She brings to guide us through life ... if we only take the time to slow down, tune in and listen.

"Ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds of the air, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish of the sea inform you." (Book of Job; 12: 7 - 8)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


For lunch yesterday I had 'leftovers' from Sunday's Raw Yogic picnic.

What you're seeing in the image is a salad containing snow peas, lettuce, cucumber, celery, olives, tomatoes, parsley, chive, chadon beni.

The kidney looking things in the lower left corner are soaked cashew nuts coated in masala and dehydrated until just before the point of crunchiness.

The crumbly whitish-yellowish thing on top the salad is a delicious sprinkle of finely chopped cashews, garlic and sea salt.

The yellowish dollop to the left of it is some raw apple curry dressing.

The brown, wholesome looking pieces to the front right are my flax/sunflower/chive 'bread'. They are the consistency of burger patties and they are flexible. I didn't dehydrate them to the point of crunchiness (then they would be crackers). Some are the thickness of granola bars, others are flatter. They add great texture, body and taste.

The whole thing is bursting with all kinds of flavours, textures and colours. I think what would top it off is a slight touch of grated ginger mixed into either the salad or the apple curry dressing.

Monday, May 18, 2009

In honour of my A+ in French ...

Today I went to pick up results of the French finals. I got an A+. Out of the four categories we were marked in, my highest mark was in writing, then reading (comprehension), then listening, then speaking.

To honour my A+ I'm posting the third and final part of the introduction to "Une Bouteille de Lucioles". The next time you hear what happens will be when you are reading the text for yourself on the fresh, sweet-smelling pages ... hot off the press.

Melanie the Melon goes to Yoga and meets her cousins

Throughout the class, Melanie the Melon sat next to me in the Tibetan singing bowl. With all those vibrations she was getting, I'm sure her melons will be sweet and sacred.
Yesterday eight people were supposed to come to the Raw Yogic Class/Picnic., but as life would have it, unexpected things came up out of the blue: sudden flu, injured puppy to be rushed to vet, document to finish, car issues, etc. In the end, it was three of us.

Because there was a man drilling in the auditorium where we do yoga classes, we left and went to a quieter spot: the nearby home of one of the students, who is an artist. We had an intimate class in an outdoor covered space, followed by the raw yogic picnic. I had made a large mixed salad, Indian spice cashew nuts, flax/sunflower/herbal 'bread' (dehydrated), raw apple curry dressing and chopped garlic and almonds for garnishing. Desert was dates and slivers of dry coconut. After, we chatted about various things and got a fascinating artistic tour of our "host's" work. We left feeling refreshed, inspired and sated.

I had taken Melanie the Melon to the class (so she could get some vibes) along with the seedlings I was carrying for Maven, who wanted some. But because Maven was one of those who didn't come, the seedlings ended up having a different destiny. Dev, one of the students who was there, said he would take them home and plant them by the river. Isn't it perfect how things work out? Watermelons will thrive in that moist environment. It's exactly what they need.
Destined for a life by the riverside.
The watermelon seedlings, sat at the end of my yoga mat during the class.
In a twist of coincidence, when we reached to Gerard's house ... at one point I noticed some watermelon seedlings on the ground, in the soil between the driveway paving. I cried out "Oh no!" ... thinking that the seedlings in the green pot had fallen out and been crushed when Dev was moving them from the car. Lo and behold, Gerard had been eating watermelon at some point and had tossed the seeds in pretty much the same way I had. He didn't even know what kind of sprouts they were.

It felt like Melanie and her siblings meeting their distant cousins.
Unfortunately Melanie's cousins look crushed, but I'm sure they're resilient

That's what I found amazing ... that I had carried watermelon seedlings to yoga and, in shifting our regular venue, we ended up in a place where there were other watermelon seedlings growing. It felt like confirmation of things being exactly as they're meant to be.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Invitation to Mystic Intervention: Cleansing (with video)

Tomorrow we will be cleaning the Mystic House ... sweeping, dusting, cutting bush. This will clear the way for us to commune and brainstorm, which is our original intention for meeting there.

The above video is from footage I shot while I was sweeping the floor of Mystic House a few Saturdays ago, when three of us met to see what kinds of things would inspire us while we were in the House.

I took the sound of the broom sweeping (from the video's audio) and used it to create a rhythm for the music. The heavy thud is the wooden part of the broom hitting the floor. The brushy part is the sound of the leaves being swept.

If anyone wants to come and help us clean, cut and brainstorm, you are welcome. This is an interactive art experience ... so why not make it interactive for the cleaning and brainstorming part too?

You can come at 4:00 p.m. Bring cleaning implements (broom, mop, bucket, cutlass, shears, garbage bags, etc.).

Directions: Road to Macqueripe Beach ... turn onto small stony road on first right before ruins of St. Chad's Church. You will see the little wooden house on the right.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Love Heals: A Success Story

Early yesterday I got a request for one of my watermelon seedlings from someone (Maven) who contacted me with interest in attending the Raw Yogic Anniversary Celebration. I felt excited, knowing that my casually tossed seedlings would be going to a good home.

I immediately went outside to the seedlings left under the pine tree, to transplant them into a pot to carry for their new owner on Sunday. The first thing I noticed was an uprooted watermelon seedling, weak and withered, practically dead, lying to one side on the dry ground (it's dry season now). Jasper had most likely dug it up, as he digs and does his 'business' in that spot (natural manure).

The name "Melanie" (maybe because it sounds like 'melon') popped into my head as I carefully picked up the seedling. I put her in this little pot with some healthy soil and gave her some water.
The sun was relentless, so I put "Melanie the Melon" in the little garden just outside my window, under the shade of the palm tree, flanked by the healing aloe plant and the large heart shaped rock I'd found once at Maracas Beach. I didn't think about it, it just felt like the right spot ... and so it is, because symbolically the heart rock and aloe coming together give the message that Love heals.

So true.
Look at Melanie the Melon today!

Mystic Intervention: Beyond Understanding

Interior of "Mystic House" shot about two Saturdays ago when three of us (artists) went to get familiar with its energy. On the floor, stones I had collected from the beach the day before, swirling in an instinctive pattern. This was the day I did some video and took all the shots with the rainbows, futuristic leaves, etc.

'Mysticism' is not something that is concretely understood in the way that we humans traditionally know 'understanding' to be:

1. belief in or experience of a reality beyond normal human understanding or experience
2. the use of prayer and meditation in an attempt to achieve direct intuitive experience of the divine

Yesterday I got a call asking me to come on Gayelle's morning programme which runs from 6 - 9 a.m. to talk about Mystic Intervention. So that's where I'll be heading shortly.

Thus far I haven't explained to you anything of what Mystic Intervention is. To put it simply, there's an old wooden house on the way to Macqueripe Beach, off a stony little road just before the ruins of St Chad's Church. The house will be referred to as "Mystic House" since it was used in the Merchant Ivory Film, Mystic Masseur. (Look at the shot of the two men sitting down at this link ... I believe they are in the House. I recognise the window in the background, the texture of the walls and the wooden floor).

The House is very simple and humble, but I feel it has a strong spirit and many messages. Mysticism allows us to be in touch with those messages and creativity/art allows us to then translate the messages we sense ... both for ourselves and for the general public. It's not something that can really be 'planned' ... It has to be allowed.

For Mystic Intervention, several artists will be 'going into' the House and creating (things you/we will find out about once they are created) ... inspired by the energy of the House and the theme of Red Earth Eco-Arts Festival 2009 (of which Mystic Intervention is a part).

The artists:
Dean Arlen
Elspeth Duncan
Michelle Isava
Kitt Joseph
Maikim Ponhong
Consciousness Raising
Johnny Stollmeyer

Red Earth's theme this year is The Dreamtime, as defined by the Australian Aborigines. In fact, an Australian Aboriginal group, Descendance, will be coming to perform and do workshops for the festival, which is an outdoor nature/art/culture event (May 29 - 31, 2009).

Mystic Intervention will be an interactive experience. We all are the artists.

I can't explain any more because:
(a) I have to go otherwise I'll get stuck in morning traffic heading from East into POS ... and I have to be at Gayelle for 6:30 a.m. (it's now 5:19 and I'm still in my yoga clothes!)
(b) If you read the above explanation of "Mysticism" you will see that it is beyond the traditional scope of human understanding. So it is with the experience itself (Mystic Intervention: Saturday 30 May 2009, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.).

No one can explain to you what it will be. You will have to be there to understand and experience it in your own way.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Raw Yogic Picnic to celebrate my 1st anniversary

A green pepper stuffed with raw hummus and topped with walnut sits on a bed of salad made with various vegetables
(From the 2008 archives)
Time flies. Sunday 17 May 2009 will be my one year anniversary of being a rawist. On 17 May 2008 I embarked upon the raw food lifestyle. So you could say I am no longer a raw baby, but have grown into a raw toddler. It has been a positively transforming, learning experience on many levels.

Sunday also happens to be the day I teach my yoga class ... so I've decided to combine the two events.

Instead of having yoga from 5 - 6:30 p.m. as usual, we will have it from 10 a.m. We will continue to work on the chakra & electromagnetic field exercises. After the class we will celebrate by feasting on a few simple raw edibles which I will prepare for the occasion.

I'm mentioning this now in case anyone reading it (i.e. who isn't one of my regular yoga students) wants to attend the class and the raw yogic picnic. I need to know how many are coming so I will know how much to prepare for consumption.

If interested and serious, please contact me by email to find out more about the class. Don't be concerned about it being your first class. I will explain what is necessary before we begin and you will do what you can manage physically. Guaranteed to be a great experience.

Sat nam


Wednesday, May 13, 2009



This morning I moved some of the watermelon sprouts to another area of the garden where they can spread more freely.


Monday, May 11, 2009

New life

On mornings I usually buy a big slab of watermelon from the fruit stall where I also buy papers. When I return home, I sit on the ground in the driveway eating the watermelon and reading the papers. I absently toss the watermelon seeds under the pine tree to my left.

Yesterday morning as I went to open the gate, I noticed a colony of little seedlings growing under the pine tree. At first I wondered what they were. They looked so healthy, eager and happy, that the first thing that crossed my mind was: "Sunflower seedlings?"

Then I realised they were the sprouts from my watermelon seeds. I was amazed. To think that something so casually tossed on bare earth (and forgotten) had sprouted with such life and determination.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Full three segments of my interview with C'eabn Riddums TV

Yesterday I didn't realise that I'd only posted the first clip of my recent interview with Adrian Simmons of Caribbean Riddums (, an online cultural 'TV' station. This morning I'm posting the full interview in its hree segments. It gives more insight into my creative past, present and future ... and other little tidbits and some performances with guitar/voice ... plus a special magical closing piece with my drum, Dandelion.


Thursday, May 7, 2009

My interview with Caribbean Riddums Internet TV

Recently I was interviewed by Adrian Simmons of Caribbean Riddums (, an online cultural 'TV' station. The interview gives some insight into my creative past, present and future ... and other little tidbits.


Mystic Intervention: Dance of the Orbs

Length: 1:17
As they dance in the sun streaming through the window, Futuristic Leaves create 'orbs' on a western wall of Mystic House.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Mystic Intervention: Orb of Love

I placed two candles on a shelf on the northern wall of the main room of the old house. Interestingly, the few shots I took of these candles had 'orbs' around them. In this particular shot there are two - a very small pin prick one to the left of the closer candle and a larger heart-shaped one hovering above, further left.

This project is unfolding intuitively and is feeling really captivating to me ...

More to be revealed in time.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Mystic Intervention: Scribe

In the old house, tendrils of smoke from nag champa incense begin to write ...
I saw you signing something in the air.
Something old and scented
Long forgotten

What do you want me to remember?

I will write it for you.
Show me how.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Mystic Intervention: Futuristic Leaves

"Futuristic leaves" (according to Michelle I.) were inadvertently scattered on the floor of the old house, where the Sun angles through the window from the East in the morning. At one point I looked up and saw rainbows on the ceiling. Started shifting the futuristic leaves around in the sunlight and the rainbows began dancing around on the wooden walls, floor and galvanize ceiling. Stars coming alive in a forgotten Universe.
Looked for more spots of sunlight coming through the holes in the galvanize ceiling. Under a few sunny spotlights, angled futuristic leaves on pieces of driftwood and rocks I had collected from the beach on Friday ... so that they could catch the Sun and project it.
Note the little futuristic leaf angled on driftwood, framed by the shadows of outdoor leaves on the floor ... projecting a rainbow onto the dark wooden wall.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Mystic Intervention: Light Seeker

Uncoiling vine, growing through crack in wooden wall of the old house, seeks Light.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Mystic Intervention

Sun coming as spotlight through hole in galvanize roof onto wooden floor of old abandoned house

Friday, May 1, 2009

Another snippet of my French novel

Continuing the reading of the introduction of my French novel: Une Bouteille de Lucioles (a work in progress).

This time instead of just uploading the audio file on its own (as I did for the first reading), I've uploaded it to Youtube with a still frame of a flower, which is like la peau de la vieille femme (the skin of the old woman).


Oops, I got it wrong. The interview is actually going to be streamed online on May 7th.