Sunday, September 21, 2008

International peace and spontaneous music

I was just reading an e-mail from one from one of my yoga students, saying she would most likely not be able to come to the class today. While reading her message, my room was quiet, the only sound being the washing machine in the distance and birds outside. I was responding to her message when all of a sudden I heard sweet music starting up. It took me a short while to realise that it was yoga music coming out of the blue from my CD player. I had put in a new yoga CD much earlier that morning, but it had not been playing for hours since. Interesting. Especially as it started up when I was writing about yoga. This sudden yoga music had happened the other night as well.

On that note, because today is the global meditation for peace,today's class will be geared towards that. Below is an extract from a 3Ho newsletter forwarded to me by Harisant, the teacher who introduced me to Kundalini. I've invited him to come and take my class today:

On September 21, 2008 the world will celebrate an International Day of Peace. The United Nations dedicates this special day to non-violence and invites all governments and citizens of the world to support this peace initiative through education, meditation, and peaceful action.

3HO is a Non-Governmental Organization in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations and extends this invitation specifically to our worldwide Kundalini Yoga Community. As 3HO is committed to the excellence of the individual and the elevation of humanity through the technologies of Kundalini Yoga, meditation, and conscious living, we urge all communities, yoga centers, families, and individuals to dedicate September 21 to peace and healing through education, meditation, and prayer.

We invite your creativity. Consider planning an event at your yoga center, or dedicate your sadhana or yoga class to peace, or visit your child's school to include the participation of children in this worldwide event.


human being said...

thanks for reminding us of peace...

peace to you dearest Elspeth...
love such surprise happenings like this one with yoga CD...
and they are not accidental at all...

hope you're reading my comment while a crow is crowing...

thanks for all your care and comments...

Lynn Cohen said...

Wow, music that plays by itself...what a strong vibrational connection you have with your music...and a yoga teacher too.
Have a wonderful day of PEACE.

Elspeth said...

HB, good to see you again. I wasn't reading your comment while a crow was crowing ... but while the same CD from this morning/from this post is playing.

Shalom, Lynn (and family - including Henry).