Thursday, February 26, 2009

Neptune (hooping video)

As far as I can help it, I think this is the last hooping video I'll record using the camera on my laptop. It's convenient to just switch it on while practising ... but the quality isn't good (in the event that I one day want to do something on a bigger scale with the videos).

So I'm going to start doing proper hooping videos:
(i) using either Karishma or the smaller video camera that I use when doing video projects with children
(ii) setting up the videos in specific landscapes, with costuming, etc.

I love the idea of recording my hooping progress in video, but as a multi-media artist I am also enjoying exploring it within the context of the media that I use (video, music, photography in particular).

I wasn't going to upload this video, Neptune, because I didn't like the quality ... but it is priceless to me because it records the moment in which I successfully did neck, chest and arms-at-sides hooping for the first time. Prior to this occasion, I had been wondering how on earth I would ever learn to do it. Then it "just happened" ...

I shared it with a friend, saying that even though I felt and looked like a flailing sea mammal, at least I finally got the chest hooping. She responded that it looked like I was floating in the ocean, with the hoop as the ocean. To emphasize that perspective, I adjusted the hue of the video, slowed it down a tad and applied one or two simple effects to give it more of an under-watery feel.

The sounds in the sound track are:
(i) my Tibetan singing bowl with reverb-type effects applied
(ii) a small wooden flute with effects distorting it (so that it sounds like a whale)


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the breakthroughs in neck, chest and arms-in hooping. What I really want to say, though, is that your hair is looks really cute that way.

Elspeth said...

My coiff.