Friday, February 27, 2009

Shhhhh ... Listen.

This afternoon in traffic on my way into town for a meeting, I was directly behind a car which had this quote printed clearly on its back windscreen:


When I looked to the right of the car, heading towards me on the other side of the road at that exact moment, was a big FedEx truck.

What did this "ironic" moment tell me? That I should have chosen FedEx and not DHL?

No. To say that would be to harp back to the past and wish to change what has already been done.

What in fact that moment told me (yet again) is that I must tune into, listen to and trust my inner voice above any other. I clearly haven't been doing that lately. Twice I didn't listen to myself in relation to my camera. The first time, it fell. The second time is all that is happening now.

On a larger scale is this message about the camera? No. A camera is simply a piece of equipment at the end of the day. The larger message, a very important one, is about me.

Time to be quiet ... intend and not extend ... listen to and trust myself and the signs around me.


Lynn Cohen said...

I am beginning to really question our connection.
Today I took my GOOD working Cannon Camera out to take a few photoos of blooming trees. After snapping five photos to be exact, the camera screen gave me an ERROR message. it said to turn off and on the camera again...or to take out the battery and put it back in again. I did both. The same error message returned. I did it all again. Same message. I came home and recharged the battery. Didn't matter, same message appears. it will NOT take photos.
I did not drop it.
I did nothing bad with it or to it.
I will take it to Ritz tomorrow but undoubtedly they will tell me it has to be sent to the shop. That costs WAY TOOO much money. (Couple of hundred to look at it)...OYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY....
I join you in camera frustration.
I will do my best to calm myself.
I do not think there is a purpose for this. Perhaps the camera is too old. Not that old. Frustrating to pay a lot of money for a good camera only to have this happen several thousand photos later. Bahh.
Im telling you because they say misery loves company. LOL

human being said...

light is wave or photons?
the experiments of the scientists who believe in the former proves it to be wave... and the experiments of those believing in the latter proves it to be made up of photons...

and it is light anyway...

Elspeth... the way you see the world talking to you is so beautiful... you listen and it talks...

Lynn is listening too and it talks to her in a beautiful way too...

and this is the world... always talking WITH us... never telling lies...

think Elspeth is talking of a RE-CHARGE...



some people think that life has some purpose and some people think that life is a present tense, we eat, drink, sleep, emotions,sense pleasure and die..nothing beyond that ..its really up to us how we take life.

Talking to inner self and listening to it is a tough process until and unless we are able to discriminate...

I agree with HB that "universe never tell lies" but few people can converse...what we can't understand with our senses, we try to deny the existence...

I like your short enlightening and honest piece of write-ups..keep it up