Sunday, February 22, 2009

"Out of the Box" video project

Out of the Box. Second video my company, Happy Hippy Productions, has been contracted to do on women, girls and HIV/AIDS in TT. First was Invisible. Started working on Out of the Box in December. Continued through January. Had to pause for a while. While I was recuperating, Dion edited. Client had requested a ten minute piece, but Dion felt there was so much interesting and usable material that he did a 45 minute first edit (actually it was even longer ... and he cut it down to 45). We subsequently went back into edit with a machete and cut it down to 10 minutes 4 seconds. Finished yesterday. Just to tie up loose ends and finalise today before burning to DVD for approval.


Lynn Cohen said...

Elspeth, you do such important work. Your creativity knows no bounds. This is wonderful.
I wish you continued success.
I hope I can see the finished video at some time.

Are you Planning to come to No. California some time in the near or distant future? Sometimes it seems you are dropping hints. Or is that just wishful thinking on my part?

Elspeth said...

Thanks, Lynn. Contrary to what I said above about the video being finished, it's not. Looking at it, a serious topic has been raised and cannot be left to such a short space of time. And yes, I want to come to California.